
BI Insighters - a users' group focused on Business Intelligence and data-driven activities

By Jeppe Melchior Mikkelsen | Dec 05 2019 | Insights | Media | Blogs

Visiolink recently invited a group of selected clients to an informal day under the not so informal name - BI Insighters. With a focus on knowledge sharing within the field of Business Intelligence, the represented media houses each presented a case they are/have been working on for great inspiration to the other participants.

The great talks and insights was also especially valuable for the Visiolink Business Consulting team members as it will help improve our BI offerings in the future. Three particular topics was heavily discussed throughout the day - that being:

  • Tracking improvement of push messages

  • Personalisation of in-app messages

  • Split-testing in the ePaper. 

Besides the three topics, there was also a general perception that we need to focus on actionable data - meaning data the media houses can put actively into use in order to improve things such as their content, marketing initiatives, user experience etc. 

We aim to make BI Insighters an annual event, and if you feel like this would be something you and your media company could be interested in attending, then feel free to reach out to our Business Consulting team.

Participants at BI Insighters 2019:

Mads Emil Lidegaard, Head of Digital, Kristeligt Dagblad

Rasmus Bjerrum, Digital Analyst, Kristeligt Dagblad

Svenja Adler, Product Lead Digital Publishing, NOZ Digital

Jan Golka, Product Lead Digital Subscriptions, NOZ Digital

Peter Sandman, Team Manager Data & Analytics, Funke Digital

Joschka Jericke, ePaper Data Analyst, Funke Digital

During the day, Christian Ullrich, Head of ePaper & Apps at Funke Digital, Simon Arndal, Data Scientist, and Claes Senger Holtzmann, Data & Analysis Editor both from Jysk Fynske Medier also joined in through conference calls to give their presentations. 

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Jeppe Melchior Mikkelsen


Jeppe Melchior Mikkelsen