Android app gets a much-needed facelift

By Mathias Winther Kolind | Sep 22 2014 | Product News

We announced in August that we would no longer be supporting versions of Android older than 4.0.3. We are convinced that the advantages of upgrading will engender as much enthusiasm with you as it does with us.

Speedier animation and better performance

Until now, when developing new features or upgrading our existing ones, we have had to consider how these would function on devices running older versions of Android. This has involved numerous compromises and exceptions in the code, increasing its complexity and the likelihood of errors occurring as a result. We have now carried out a thorough spring-clean and seriously knocked rust off the code base, giving the Android app a new start.

One of the biggest advantages of this process is that we can now exploit hardware accelerated animation. This will be particularly apparent when zooming and leafing through the pages of the newspaper. These actions will be much smoother, markedly enhancing the pleasure of reading a newspaper or magazine.     

More attractive design on the way

In its most recent versions, Google has given Android a more distinctive visual identity and introduced a series of guidelines, the purpose of which is to streamline the user experience across different apps. At Visiolink, our Android designs have traditionally closely resembled iOS in terms of design and navigation, but now we will be able to derive greater inspiration from Google's guidelines. In the months to come we will be working on a graphic facelift to give our Android app a cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing user interface.

The changes will be introduced progressively during the autumn, winter and spring, and you can also look forward to DYNAMIC on Android. We will keep you up-to-date on the subject in this blog.

Mathias Winther Kolind


Mathias Winther Kolind

Product Manager