Upgrade your app to a standard

By Charlotte Rømer Meyer | Jan 15 2015 | Insights

How many times over the course of an average day do you find yourself holding your mobile phone or tablet? Perhaps you just need to check an important detail, or you want to see what's happening in the news or on social media, right? Or maybe you've got 15-20 minutes to spare, and you want to spend time with your favourite app and read today's digital newspaper?

Suddenly, however, you discover that the app no longer works. It's acting strangely, and just like that, one of your favourite functions doesn't do what it should. Or even worse: the app won't even open, or it shuts down each time you get to something good. Is there anything more frustrating?

It may be that a new update was released yesterday. Naturally, you installed it without hesitation – you have to keep up-to-date, right?


Of course it's important to keep up-to-date, but what exactly does that entail?

For app developers, the big players such as Apple, Google and Microsoft are the ones setting the terms for what we can offer users on the respective platforms. This often presents us with both opportunities and challenges whenever a new version of an operating system is announced. For example, there may be exciting new functions that can be developed, as well as the potential to optimise our existing apps and features; however, we might also see modifications that affect functionality to such a degree that the user experience is disrupted, which means that we must then adjust or redesign parts of the e-paper app.

In practical terms, it makes perfect sense to update your apps as soon as possible after, or perhaps even before, the new version is released. If you have several specially customised apps, and each one has a unique code, then upgrading them may require a great deal of time and resources.

Before releasing or upgrading an app, it must naturally be tested to ensure it works as intended. From a practical standpoint, however, it is impossible to test all variations, as there are countless possible combinations of network connections, user expectations, patterns of use, system versions, smartphones and tablets.

At Visiolink, we create standards and future compatibility

A large portion of Visiolink's standardised code base is used by all of our clients, and thus by our clients' customers, which means the basis on which we develop is thoroughly tested by readers using apps in different countries, all of whom have different needs, expectations and equipment. This helps to ensure the quality and stability of Visiolink's standard apps.

Our Fast Track team specialises in quickly and securely managing new development and upgrade projects for standard apps, and we now offer new contract types for operation and development in which regular upgrades for new and more secure code are part of the package, so that we can ensure the future compatibility of our standard solutions.

We continuously work to further develop and stabilise our code base, as well as to expand the framework of our standard concepts and features, so that they can meet our clients' individual needs for personalising their apps, and so that we can offer a complete package that includes:

  • Stability
  • Quality
  • Agility
  • Future compatibility

Would you, too, like to upgrade to a Visiolink standard? Then contact us, or begin by taking part in our client webinar on precisely this topic, to be held on 29 January.



Charlotte Rømer Meyer


Charlotte Rømer Meyer

Charlotte is a software developer at Visiolink focussing on standardized production methods.