Information about Android Support

By Mathias Winther Kolind | Aug 21 2014 | Product News

For a long time Android has been an important platform for a rising number of readers. At the same time, it is imperative to us that our Android-based products are stable and that we secure the future possibilities in our Android solutions.

In consequence of this, from September 1st 2014 we will no longer support Android versions lower than 4.0.3. This means that the next time you – as a Visiolink customer – upgrade your app, readers using Android versions before 4.0.3 will not be able to download the upgraded app from Google Play.

Who will this effect - and how?

The number of readers using Android versions before 4.0.3 among our customers is now below 3.8% on average. This is the background to why it no longer makes sense to maintain Android version 2.3 support to cater for the last few per cent, compared to giving the vast majority a much better experience. Readers using older Android versions will still be able to use the app. They will, however, not be able to download the upgraded app and Visiolink will no longer support the old version.


What about my current Android projects?

Customers who have ordered an app upgrade or a new app to be developed after this date will be informed by the project manager from Visiolink.

The world before "Ice Cream Sandwich"

For many, the introduction of Android 4.0 ("Ice Cream Sandwich") back in October 2011 was the point when Android found its footing and became a legitimate challenger to iOS. Due to the less controlled Android environment, it has taken a long time, but now most users are experiencing a modern Android and the hardware stuck with 2.3 is now too old to be considered viable for everyday use.

We have been supporting 2.3 for a long time to reach as many readers as possible, but we have now decided it is time to move on. We have been prevented from fully using the capabilities of the newer Android platforms and from giving your readers the best-possible experience when reading your publications.

We all look forward to presenting to you the new advances made possible because of this decision and ensuring better stability and performance in future Android-based products.

Mathias Winther Kolind


Mathias Winther Kolind

Product Manager